Sunday, 19 August 2012


Welcome to my blog! Nice to meet you. Please, let me take your coat. Make yourself at home.

Now let me tell you a bit about this blog. Basically, I spend way too much money on clothes and accessories and shoes and bags and... well, you get the picture. So! I have made a pact with myself to spend less money and instead, update things I already have or even better, find some free things! Although I don't think my mum will be pleased with any free things even as she did say the next piece of clothing I buy she will burn.

Aaannnyway. By helping myself with this problem (maybe even an addiction?) I thought I could share my ideas and thoughts that I've had or found and take you on the magical journey of saving money whilst also being fashionable and not having to scrimp (or to at least have fun scrimping!).

Now let's get real, I'm a student, you might be a student, teenager with no money or a full grown adult with no money! So we need to learn in this economy how to live on a budget but at the same time, not look like you are!

Like me, you probably have a lot of clothes and sometimes look in your wardrobe and think 'I have nothing to wear!' Well, this is where it ends (or wear it ends (see what I did there?!))

I'll also share ideas that don't necessarily involve fashion such as food shopping tips, going out and other stuff I think of along the way. 

I will also seek permission to share any videos that I have found helpful!

Hope you're looking forward to this as much as I am!

Sam x