Wednesday, 12 September 2012

A Helping Hand

As I am on a saving money BENDER I have thought of a way to help curb my spending on things that I want. I thought that I would make a Christmas list because people are always asking me what I want for Christmas and according to sod's law I always find things I'd like throughout the year but can never think of anything come Christmas time.

The other useful thing about this is, is that you can get better deals throughout the year so if you let your friends and family know then they are saving money too! For example, I have wanted a pair of hair wavers for a while but they are typically £50-£70. Now, my hair isn't quite long enough for hair wavers at the moment but I know I want a pair for when it grows a bit more. And quite handily, this will probably be around Christmas time! But even more handily is the fact that Argos are having a sale at the moment and I have found a pair for around £22! That is less than half the cheapest price I've seem them at previously, and they're not just Argos value ones either, they're Andrew Barton Hair Wavers and they have very good reviews on them.

I've also been able to track down an uber cheap boxset of Doctor Who. I know, I know, I'm geek, I've heard it before. I found the first four series' in a big boxset for £30 on the CEX website so my parents got them for me for Christmas while they were still there. I then looked on the HMV website and the same boxset is £65!! I know the one from CEX is second hand but they check to make sure the disks work and don't have scratches on.

This works the other way round too. You can listen to what your mum, dad, siblings and friends say they want during the year and then get it for a good deal cheaper. It stops it building up to one small part of the year too so you don't feel so hard on the pocket.

So really this idea helps everyone to save money. Then when someone asks you a couple weeks before Christmas what you want as a present you can say, 'Well, let me just get my list!' ;)

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